david noalia

David Noalia is a Spanish artist. In his art, the figurative and the abstract coexist. The first as a base, the second as inspiration. But it is a constant battle between the two, because just as the eye blurs a figure, spots and lines of color break the balance that existed. I know how it begins, but I never know how it will end, says David.

When he paints, the artist is constantly listening to his work. It is when the horse takes on its own character and leaves me stunned, it is at that moment when I know that the work is finished, it is not a matter of time but of sensations.

For David, the horse is a universal theme, in art it is the most represented animal since prehistoric times. Originally from the Iberian Peninsula, the Andalusian horse is the center of David's work, as well as representing the essence of Spain: passion, color and elegance.

David Noalia stylishly combines the artistic inspiration of horses, human faces and even landscapes, all flooded with colour.

The energy of his artworks attracts collectors from all over the world.

FOLLOW THE ARTIST: @david_noalia